Latin America Magazine.

A story about Hugo Chávez in the press around the world


“Lo que no lograron sus rivales, lo hizo la enfermedad. Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías murió este martes 5 de marzo a los 58 años y puso fin a casi 14 años de gobierno. Tan amado como odiado. Héroe revolucionario para sus seguidores, dictador populista para sus críticos. Audaz, carismático e impredecible, fue un hombre de pasiones y el responsable de recibir el liderazgo de la izquierda latinoamericana y renovarla.” (BBC Mundo)

“Hugo Chávez zag zichzelf als de ideologische erfgenaam van Simón Bolívar, die het hele continent zou bevrijden van het Amerikaanse kapitalistisch juk en een eigen, socialistische koers zou laten varen. In werkelijkheid werden landen als Brazilië, Chile en Colombia de bakens van de Latijns-Amerikaanse heropstanding, terwijl Chávez Venezuela verder isoleerde door allianties aan te gaan met Iran, Cuba, het Syrië van Assad, het Nicaragua van Daniel Ortega en -absoluuut dieptepunt- de Colombiaanse guerrilla Farc.” (de Standaard, België)

“Before his struggle with cancer, he appeared on television almost daily, talking for hours at a time and often breaking into song of philosophical discourse.

Chavez used his country’s vast oil wealth to launch social programs that include state-run food markets, new public housing, free health clinics and education programs.

Poverty declined during Chavez’s presidency amid a historic boom in oil earnings, but critics said he failed to use the windfall of hundreds of billions of dollars to develop the country’s economy.” (Al Jazeera)

“De linkse populist bemoeide zich ook graag met andere landen. Vooral de kapitalistische Verenigde Staten onder president George W. Bush moesten het destijds ontgelden. Zo zei hij in 2006 bij de Verenigde Naties over Bush: ‘Gisteren was de duivel hier. Precies hier. En het ruikt hier vandaag nog steeds naar zwavel.'” (Volkskrant, Nederland)

“Analysts say Mr Chavez’s death could alter the political balance in Latin America – dealing a blow to leftist states while favouring more centrist countries.

There could also be an economic impact given that Venezuela sells oil at below market prices to some neighbouring countries, especially in the Caribbean.” (BBC, Verenigd Koninkrijk)

“Caraqueños expresan su luto en la Plaza Bolívar. “Chávez no se ha ido, Chávez está presente” gritaban al unísono los simpatizantes del Presidente. Llamaron a la Unidad y a “radicalizar” la revolución.” (El Universal, Venezuela)

“Reaction from around the world to Chavez’s death was swift. US President Barack Obama, in a statement, called Chavez’s passing as a “challenging time” for Venezuela. “The United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people and its interest in developing a constructive relationship with the Venezuelan government,” Obama said. Meanwhile, a teary-eyed Bolivian President Evo Morales, one of Chavez’s closest allies in Latin America and most loyal disciples, declared that “Chavez is more alive than ever.” (Al Jazeera)

“Así mismo, su muerte influirá de manera directa en el proceso de paz de Colombia. El gobierno nacional ha hecho evidente la influencia de Chávez sobre las FARC. “Tengo que reconocerle al presidente Chávez que ha sido fundamental en el acercamiento y en el proceso de paz que estamos adelantando con las FARC”, afirmó el presidente Juan Manuel Santos. Por eso, dijo que pedía por su recuperación.” (Semana, Colombia)

“His death will also trigger a presidential election, which must be held within 30 days, to decide who controls the world’s greatest untapped reserves of oil. Chávez’s designated successor is the vice-president, Nicolás Maduro, who is likely to face Henrique Capriles, the losing opposition candidate in the most recent presidential election. Until then, according to the constitution, the interim president should be the head of the national assembly, Diosdado Cabello.” (the guardian, Verenigd Koninkrijk)

