Latin America Magazine.

Waste as an Anthropological Issue

  • datum:17/05
  • tijd:16:00 uur
  • locatie:CEDLA zaal 2.02
  • adres:Roetersstraat 33 1018 WB Amsterdam
Waste as an Anthropological Issue
May 17 marks #WorldRecyclingDay, officially declared by UNESCO, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of recycling as a tool for proper waste management and to mitigate climate change. For this reason, we decided to meet that day and present a series of research results that have been produced in the dialogue and experience of anthropologists in Brazil and the Netherlands, and also present the trajectory of the social movement of collectors in Brazil, through the speech of Aline Souza, President Director of @centcoopdf, the biggest reference in South America for the Work Cooperatives of Collectors of Recyclable Materials.
4 pm: #CristhianCaje and #BarbaraArisi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)
Circular economy: garbage/solid waste anthropologies and innovative experiences between Latin America and the Netherlands
The social movements of waste pickers in #Brazil.
4:30 pm #MariaRaquelPassosLima (Laboratory of Social Studies of Waste – #ResiduaLab / UERJ.)
“Anthropology of waste: theoretical, ethnographical and political perspectives from the south”.
4:45 pm #CarmenRial (#UFSC, Brazil) #CorneliaEckert (#UFRGS, Brazil) Report of an experience in the Netherlands, an ethnographic look at the circular economy.
5 pm debate
5:30 pm Drinks at the CEDLA Library