Latin America Magazine.

The Illusion of Abundance @One World Film Festival, Brussel

  • datum:26/04
  • tijd:18:00 uur
  • locatie:Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU
  • adres:Rue Caroly 15, 1050 Brussel

Documentary film: The Illusion of Abundance
Regie: Matthieu Lietaert & Erika Gonzalez Ramirez

Screening at Brussels 14th One World Film Festival – booking here:

The screening will be followed by a discussion with:

Matthieu Lietaert, the film’s director
Lucía Ixchíu, indigenous Kʼicheʼ citizen from Totonicapán, Guatemala (currently in exile)
Moderator: Karolína Kvačková, People in Need

About the film: 

Máxima, Berta and Carolina are Latina activists. They are fighting tirelessly against the brutal practices of multinationals against nature and indigenous peoples in Peru, Honduras and Brazil.

Máxima, who resisted forced eviction from her property near a gold mine in Peruvian Cajamarca, was severely beaten. Honduran journalist Berta Cáceres, who drew attention to the misconduct of developers in a giant hydroelectric project on the Honduran river Gualcarque, was murdered. Carolina, in turn, is trying to bring to justice the culprits behind the 272 human casualties of a catastrophic toxic waste dam breach in the traditional Brazilian mining region of Minas Gerais. The threads of all three cases converge in this investigative documentary into a global chain leading from Latin America through influential European banks to Asian buyers.