Latin America Magazine.

Screening ‘People of the Barrio’

  • datum:08/10
  • tijd:19:30 – 21:00
  • locatie:CREA
  • adres:Nieuwe Achtergracht 170
  • kosten:Gratis

Screening ‘People of the Barrio’
Documentary film, 1980, 52 min.,
Brian Moser / Caroline Moser

Documentaire van Caroline en Brian Moser over het leven van een gemeenschap in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

“One academic has spent 30 years following – and sharing – the life of a poor community in Ecuador Life over a waterlogged mangrove swamp on the edge of the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil was tough in 1978, but it didn’t stop anthropologist Professor Caroline Moser going to live there for eight and a half months with her husband and two children, who were taken out of their Church of England primary in south London, aged eight and six, and put into a class of 70.

It was to be the first of many visits to Guayaquil, as Moser, then attached to the development planning unit at University College London, and now director of Manchester University’s global urban research centre, was to chart the development of the community over a period of nearly 30 years.”

Free admission