Latin America Magazine.

Noticias/Volg je maaltijd presenteren: masterclass ‘Ins & outs of the banana’

  • datum:24/04
  • tijd:19:30-21:30
  • locatie:CafĂ© de Overkant
  • adres:Bevrijdingsstraat 38 Wageningen
  • kosten:Free

In Costa Rica banana workers and people living nearby plantations are exposed to pesticides used in the banana industry. Large-scale monoculture is perceived as one of the most important problems leading to pesticide risks. This masterclass elaborates on hazardous workd-and living conditions in and around banana plantations. It discusses the importance and impact of bananas and other export crops in costa rica.

Kees Jansen is an associate professor at Wageningen University working on political ecology and agricultural and food technology in relation to international development, mainly in Latin America. Current projects involve the multi-level governance and the greening of the agrarian question.

Picture yourself as a large-scale banana farmer, a worker or local living near a plantation. Come and debate these issues with us! Invite all of your interested friends on our facebook event.