Latin America Magazine.

Galeano vive!

  • datum:16/09
  • tijd:16:00 - 19:00
  • locatie:International Institute of Social Studies
  • adres:Kortenaerkade 12, Den Haag
  • kosten:gratis

The fast-paced, visually stunning video (available in Spanish and with subtitles in English) will teach about the assassinated Mayan rebel teacher Galeano while documenting the painting of an astounding mural deep in Zapatista territory. This dramatic artwork was painted by an international team of volunteers from twelve countries earlier this year and now lives on the walls of Galeano’s rebuilt school and clinic in the rain forest community of La Realidad, Chiapas, Mexico.

The screening will be part of a dislocated world premier taking place across continents as an alternative celebration of Mexican Independence Day. After the documentary, we will hold a conversation and collective reflection on the role that human rights international networks and art play in context of extreme violence.

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