Latin America Magazine.

Day of the dead: Altar in memory of Mexico’s killed Journalists

  • datum:03/11
  • tijd:16:45 - 20:00
  • locatie:Casa Migrante
  • adres:Spaarndammerstraat 9
  • kosten:€3 including drinks (coffee, tea, hybiscus drink, rice drink)

Mexico traditionally starts celebrating the day of the dead at the end of October. In this celebration, mexican people reflect on the concept of death and the value of life. Each house, each square, town, neighbourhood, school and city honors the visit of their dead, as we wait for them to come back to us once more. For that purpose we build an altar with flowers, music, pain and joy for them to come back to, eat and rejoice in their celebration. This is how we celebrate and welcome our beloved that were once with us.

The group of Mexicans in the Netherlands for peace in Mexico take this opportunity to remember our dead and speak about peace, love and justice for them and their families. This year we want to honor the 72 journalist who have died in México during the past six years. We want to honor their work and let them know we have not forgotten them.

Let’s name the dead so everyone knows they once lived here and that we hold a big “debt of peace and justice owed to them and ourselves, so the whole of Mexico knows that no citizen will ever again allow a political project to be built on hate, corruption, impunity, war and death” (Sicilia 2011).

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