Latin America Magazine.

CEDLA Lecture: Cuba and China at the crossroads

  • datum:13/09
  • tijd:15:30
  • locatie:Cedla
  • adres:Roetersstraat 33, Amsterdam
  • kosten:Gratis

Cuba and China at the crossroads
Dr. Adrian H. Hearn, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Sydney

The rise of China, coupled with the global financial crisis, is raising questions among policy architects and economic advisers about the optimal balance of government and market forces in world affairs. It has now become clear that the state, particularly in developing countries, is once again playing a more assertive role in economic management. Meanwhile, the state-led economy of Cuba is undergoing reforms to stimulate private entrepreneurship. China’s influence in Cuba’s reform process is strong, spanning everything from investment in the energy sector to finance for small businesses and wholesale supply for emerging industries. This presentation examines how Cuba, with China’s support, is designing a new and more effective approach to mixing state and market forces for economic development.

All lectures will be given in the language of the title, admission is free and there is no need to register; however you are kindly requested to be on time.

Our new location is: Roetersstraat 33 Amsterdam. In the new building, the CEDLA staff and library are situated on the fifth floor. Looking forward to seeing you all in the new building!