In recent years, Brazil has built a reputation of innovator in fields of democratic politics, social development, and sustainability. Internationally renowned scholars will critically examine some of these initiatives and discuss their outcomes so far and the challenges ahead. We welcome people from academic, governmental, private, and NGO interested in Brazil.
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Brazil under the Workers’ Party Continuity and Change from Lula to Dilma
Edited by:
Fabio de Castro
Kees Koonings
Marianne Wiesebron
Innovations for Poverty Alleviation and Social Mobility
Marcelo Neri
Secretariat of Stategic Affairs and FGV
Keynote speaker
Innovations for Citizens’ Participation
Evelina Dagnino
Innovations for Democratic Politics
Timothy Power
Oxford University, UK
Innovations for Positioning on the World Stage
Kjeld Jakobsen
Perseu Abramo Foundation, Brazil
Innovations for Sustainability and Climate Governance
Anthony Hall
London School of Economics, UK
Innovations for Public Security
Kees Koonings
UvA and UU, The Netherlands
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