Latin America Magazine.

Argentijnse filmavond: Cuestión de Principios

  • datum:29/11
  • tijd:19:30
  • locatie:Fundación Argentino Holandesa de Solidaridad
  • adres:Bisschopstraat 5, Den Haag
Fundación Argentino-Holandesa de Solidaridad invites you to their last film of the year (with wine, Fernet with Cola, Ñoquis, empanadas and more).


19:30hs – Welcoming & Buffet.
20:00hs – Film: Cuestión de Principios (A Matter of Principles)
21:50hs – Raffle & Prizes.
22:00hs – After Party.

We will have tickets available for our upcoming event on the 7th of December: The Misa Criolla for EUR20 (adults) and EUR15 (kids up to 10 years old).

For tickets online send us an e-mail to:

During this Film Evening we will support and collect for: “Saving our Pachamama”
Asociación de Ciudadanía Solidaria de Bien Pública (Association of Civil Solidarity for Public Welfare): School Nr. 5146 – Nazareno — Santa Victoria Oeste Department, Salta Province.

Ciudadanía Solidaria supports different projects in different areas of public interest, such as health, ecology, culture, science and agribusiness. Its activities are realized with the support of different associates.

This association has turned to SSNA asking to support a project in the Salta province to avoid the loss of native forest plants in the region and to improve soil conditions of the plantations, taking into account the existing climatic difficulties. The project will be carried out by pupils of School Nr. 5146 in Nazareno (Salta), who come from aboriginal rural families of limited income.

The family incomes in this region are based on subsistence livestock agriculture, and temporary jobs away from the community. The goal of this project is to help value and use the plants of the region and to know how to keep on cultivating them for consumption of the community. The families and the community participate in this project. Also, the project will raise awareness of the use of organic fertilizers to improve the quality of the environment.

Financing: The project will be funded with donations made during the events, 55% support offered by Wilde Ganzen (, and other donors.